Can I use this module to host videos on my own server?
No. When video hosting is active, videos are uploaded straight to the cloud. They are intentionally not hosted on your own server to avoid any storage or upload limits enforced by your hosting provider.
My upload dies before it finishes.
A slow or unreliable Internet connection can further limit the size of the video you can upload. Try uploading at a different time of day or from a computer with a faster internet connection. Keep trying (don’t worry, failed attempts don’t count against your storage space limit).
If your uploads are timing out, try uploading a video from the dashboard – This should ensure that no hosting upload limits or site upload limits are coming into play.
For best results, we recommend uploading 720p video in H.264 format. While it’s possible to upload 1080p or 4k video, Jetpack only serves video in 720p resolution. The larger file size of those higher resolutions can impact upload and processing times on your videos.
Can I change the default thumbnail image for my video?
Yes. Follow these steps:
- Go to for the site that contains the videos.
- Select the video of interest and click Edit.
- In the video editor, click Edit Thumbnail.
- Wait for a desirable frame and “Select Frame”.
Done! Your thumbnail image (also known as a poster frame) is updated automatically.
What happens to my videos if don’t renew my plan?
None of your existing video uploads will be removed from your site, and will remain embedded in any existing pages or posts you have; however, you will not be able to upload any new videos unless you renew or re-purchase the upgrade. Videos that you already uploaded will remain accessible.
If you’ve embedded videos using a shortcode, you will need to enable shortcode embeds for the videos to continue to display on your site.
What is the format of video being played?
Jetpack converts your uploaded video file into MP4 and Ogg formats. Our MP4 files are encoded with H.264 video and AAC audio lossy compression codecs. Ogg files are encoded with Theora video and Vorbis audio lossy compression codecs.
I’m already using the VideoPress plugin!
We highly recommend disabling the standalone VideoPress plugin as it is long out-of-date. Also, enabling video hosting through Jetpack will ensure that you receive all updates and bug fixes in the future.
Have questions? Feel free to contact us for more personalized assistance!
What kind of video content can I upload?
Any videos uploaded to Jetpack’s video hosting service are subject to’s content policies. The exclusions on this mature content page apply to videos as well.
My video is only available at standard resolution after uploading? Why?
If a video is longer than two hours and greater than 1GB, we don’t encode the HD or DVD files, due to storage space limitations.
Video embeds aren’t working.
Make sure sharing is enabled on the embedded video. Sharing needs to be enabled for video embeds to work.
Still need help?
If you’re still having trouble with Jetpack Video Hosting, please contact support for help.