Want to restore your backup to a different site? There’s a guide for that!
Restore your WordPress site in one click
- Sign in to the VaultPress Dashboard and view the Backups section for your site. Find the backup you want to use, and click Restore.
- Select which items you want to restore. You can restore your database, plugins, themes, and uploads. Click Prepare Backup, and VaultPress will get your backup ready.
- When your backup is ready, VaultPress will ask you to confirm the restore. (You can even restore your backup to a different site.)
- That’s it! When your restore is completed, you’ll see a message like the one below. Check out your site to make sure the restore went as planned, and drop us a line if you have any questions. Also, if you’re using the pretty (a.k.a. not “official”) sharing buttons, we’ve added share counts to the Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn buttons.</p> <p>Last but not least, no release is complete without bug fixes. We fixed a bunch of bugs in the Sharing, Contact Form, Subscriptions, Carousel, and other features. For a more complete list of bug fixes, see <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jetpack/changelog/">the changelog</a>.</p> " data-medium-file="" data-large-file="" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-916" src="https://jetpackme.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/restore-complete.jpeg?w=640" alt="restore-complete" />
The Restore Process in Detail
VaultPress doesn’t just write your backup to your database—there’s more to it than that. Here’s an outline of the process:
- VaultPress collects the data from your backup and prepares it for the restore.
- Before continuing, VaultPress removes any existing restore tables from your database. These may exist if you’ve run a restore before.
- Once you confirm the restore, VaultPress creates the tables from your backup, using a temporary prefix with the backup ID. For example, when restoring Backup ID 123456, the prefix would be “vp_123456_”. Once all of the tables have been created, VaultPress begins to insert your backup’s data.
- After the data is successfully transferred, VaultPress renames your existing tables with the prefix “vp_backup_” and removes the temporary prefix from the newly restored tables.
- Once the transfer and renaming is complete, VaultPress presents the success message.
- Need help? The VaultPress Safekeepers are available if you have questions. Just click on the Ask for Help button in your dashboard.