With the OpenTable block, you can add a reservation form on posts or pages.
As a restaurant owner, your ultimate goal getting online is to drive reservations to your property. The OpenTable block can help you to achieve just that by facilitating visitors ability to quickly fill an online reservation form to book a table.
Adding the OpenTable block
You can add the OpenTable block by searching and/or selecting it from the Jetpack section of the block selector:
See Jetpack Blocks for detailed instructions on adding blocks.
After adding the block, you’ll see a field in which you can enter an OpenTable Reservation Widget embed code:
If you need help locating your embed code, this guide from OpenTable explains it in detail.
Once you have the code, paste it in the field and click Embed. You will then see the embedded reservation widget:
Block Toolbar
In order to reveal the block toolbar, you can click on the block and the toolbar will display. Each block has its own controls that allow you to manipulate the block:
The OpenTable block offers the following options in its toolbar:
- Alignment. You can choose wide and full-width options if supported by your theme.
- Styles. You can control these here and in the Block settings in the sidebar.
Block Settings
Every block has specific options in the editor sidebar in addition to the options found in the block toolbar. If you do not see the sidebar, click the ‘cog’ icon next to the Publish button.
At the top of the options for the OpenTable block, you can choose from four different styles:
The default style is Standard. Choose any other style to change the look of the widget in the block.
Additional Settings
The additional settings allow you to add your OpenTable restaurant ID(s). Your first ID is added automatically when you added your embed code.
You can also select from a list of languages supported by OpenTable and set the reservation form to open in a new window.
The advanced tab lets you add a CSS class to your block, allowing you to write custom CSS and style the block as you see fit.
If you’re having any trouble with the OpenTable block, please contact support for help.
Privacy Information
This feature is activated by default. It cannot be deactivated, the OpenTable block is always available in the Block Selector.
Consult this service’s documentation for the most accurate, up-to-date privacy information.